Thursday, May 7, 2009

Day 3 - Singapore, May 6th

Today was a workout day.  Grant and I  did some pullups, situps, dips, and went for a run this morning (actually, due to the heat, humidity, and stiff legs from the plane ride, it sorta turned into just a light jog...).  We also tossed the frisbee around for a bit.  I took some time to lounge around the pool after lunch (i know, training is hard work).  In the late evening we headed to MacRitchie reservoir, the largest expanse of park/nature preserve in Singapore.  The tropical Southeast Asian vegetation surrounds a large lake, and the preserve is the home for a variety of wildlife.  Monkeys hung in the trees and scurried across the ground.  We stopped abruptly at the sight of a meter long monitor lizard just off the path.  We passed signs that warned of the flying, mildy venomous, moderately aggressive snakes that live in the trees.  There is a great "Canopy walk" in the reserve which we wanted to check out.  Unfortunately, we parked at the far side of the park, and had to hike a little farther than expected.  Our walk in the woods turned into a 2.5 hour, 10 kilometer trek through the jungle.  Let's just say dinner tasted exceptionally good tonight!


  1. amazing pictures. are you taking these with you new camera or is Grant? regardless they're awesome. sounds like you're already having a great adventure. turn the camera around once in a while and show us around . . .:) thanks for keeping in touch. i'm insanely jealous (even of 99 degrees). take care. ~ Eryn

  2. MONKEYS!! Haha, so I love this: "We passed signs that warned of the flying, mildy venomous, moderately aggressive snakes that live in the trees."

    ...which really translates to "I screamed like a little school girl and every weird-looking plant or branch that waved in the wind caused me to have mild heart attacks."

    That nature preserve sounds amazing!
